Thursday, August 18, 2016

Samurai language - 10 fixed phrases

                                                More samurai language

1) ちょこざいなり[chokozai nari]

- approximate meaning: なまいきな、差し出がましい

- impertinent, presumptuous, impudent

- in kanji, it is written as 猪口. 猪口 means small sake cup, and means talent, so the expression might refer to someone of low ability

Don't be impertinent!

2) やくたいもない  [yakutai mo nai]

- approximate meaning: 役にも立たない

- useless, worthless, absurd

Stop talking such silly nonsense.

3) ぜひもない [zehi mo nai]

- approximate meaning: やむを得ない, どうにもならない

- unavoidable, inevitable, have no choice but to ~

Since he was so persistent in asking, I had no choice but to lend him money.

4) [ryogai]

- approximate meaning: 思いがけない、以外、だしぬけ、無礼、失礼

- unexpected, rude, sudden

- in the form 「慮外ながら」 , it's similar to 「失礼ですが」

5) 枉げて [magete]

- approximate meaning: 何がなんでも、ぜひとも、むりに、しいて

- if anything, by all means

I know it is too much to ask, but won't you please attend the meeting for my sake?

6) かまえて [kamaete]

- approximate meaning: ぜったい~な、決して~な

- expresses strong negation: don't ~

7) ひらに [hira ni]

- approximate meaning: 何とぞお願いいたします

= earnestly, humbly, sincerely

I earnestly beg your pardon.

8) 一つまいろう [hitotsu mairou]

- approximate meaning: まずは一杯

= let's drink, let's have a drink

- used before beginning to drink

It's been a while, let's have a drink.

9) 過ごされよ [sugosareyo]

 - approximate meaning: パーッといきましょう

= let's drink, let's have a good time

- with close friends, it can take the form すごせ

10) お流れちょうだい [onagare choudai]

- used when drinking from someone else's sake cup (a superior or a person you highly respect)

- there was a belief among the Japanese that the lost drops of sake in a cup would help purify one's body and spirit

It is an honor to drink from your wine cup.

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