Monday, May 23, 2016

The proper use of e-mail in Japanese

Writing a business mail in Japanese is an art of itself. There are a lot of fixed phrases, rules and things to take into consideration beyond simply communicating the intent of the mail.

Pros and cons of using e-mail

  • easy to use
  • one click takes care of the sending
  • documents and pictures can be attached
  • can be sent at any time and it doesn't put time constraints on the other party
  • documents and written matter can be shared
  • easy to reply to or forward
  • copies are archived and can be kept
  •  easy to make mistakes (sending to the wrong recipient, typing errors)
  • it can give a rude or cold impression
  • can't be sure if the recipient read it
  •  can't know the reaction of the other party
  • sensitive information can be leaked
  • once sent, it cannot be taken back

Situations when other forms of communication are better

- in an emergency, when you need to contact someone and receive an answer immediately
- in a company, when announcing that you'll be late or absent from work

Face to face communication
- when you need to apologize
- when discussing delicate matters

Handwriting, letters or printed matter
- formal communication (contracts, a change of directors etc.)
- important family ceremonies (weddings, funerals etc.)
- apologies or requests

- news of a person's death and funerals
- mass invites to events

Monday, May 9, 2016

Queen Himiko

Queen Himiko.jpg

Queen Himiko (or Pimiko) is a legendary figure that ruled the Yamatai kingdom that was formed in the Yayoi era. At that time, the territory of Japan was comprised of multiple, small countries that constantly fought with each other. The Yamatai kingdom was made up of around 30 such smaller states.

Himiko was popular with the people, and acted as a divine oracle, practicing spells and divination in order to ensure the wellfare of the country. She remained in her palace and never showed herself to the people. Only her younger brother was allowed to see her. He looked after her meals and everyday necessities, and transmitted the words she received from the gods to the people.

The existence of Himiko is documented in Chinese records. In 239, Himiko sent envoys to China and was recognized by the Chinese court as the ruler of Japan.

Himiko is featured in the 2013 Tomb Raider game

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Japanese grammar - Aida

                                                            Aida 「あいだ」

            1. Space

- space between places or things


            There is bus service between Tokyo and Nagoya. 

            2. Time

- period of time in which a state or action continues
- events occur in the same interval

            VB ている / VB あいだ

            I decided to read a book at the coffee shop until she returned.
            While I was studying, my younger brother was playing.

            [aida ni]

 - events in the main clause happen within the period covered by the aida clause

            N のあいだに
            NA なあいだに
            VB ている / VB あいだに

            Do what you like while you are young.
            Meanwhile, the situation grew worse.
            I don't eat anything between meals.

            3. Relationship

- relationship between people or matters


            They get along well with each other.
            It seems that there is some relationship between the two incidents
            Settle the argument between yourselves.
            Since the hotel is cheap and clean, it is popular among travelers. 

Diagram illustrating the difference between aida and aida ni

aida or aida ni