Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Samurai language - 5 fixed phrases


1) 大儀である [taigi de aru] 

- approximate meaning: ご苦労さん
- expression used by superiors towards their subordinates as a token of thanks and appreciation for their work and efforts
- its original meaning refers to something tiring and burdensome

It is a chore to negotiate with him.
Thank you for coming all the way to greet me.
When Uesugi Kagekatsu was summoned by Toyotomi Hideyoshi to the capital, he went and was received by one of Hideyoshi's attendants, whom he thanked for coming to welcome him.

2) 罷り越  [makarikosu]

- approximate meaning: 突然の訪問で失礼いたします
- to visit, to call on
- used to apologize for suddenly visiting someone who you are not well acquainted with

Please excuse my sudden visit, but there is something I wanted to ask you.
Because of some out of the ordinary circumstances, a low class samurai had to go to the house of another samurai whom he didn't know, and ask him something. He used this phrase to apologize for the sudden visit

3) 物申 [mono mousu]

- approximate meaning: 物を申し上げる、抗議することがある
- speak, object to, protest against
- it expresses a strong objection

I object to the governor's policy.
When his fiancée was made pregnant by a samurai of a powerful family and she then killed herself, a low class warrior went to the house of the perpetrator's family to protest in anger about the situation.

4) おさおさ [osaosa]

- approximate meaning: めったに(ない)、すこしも
- not ~ at all; not ~ even one bit
- it is used with negative words

We have left nothing to chance.

5) [gokourai]

- visit, presence
- honorific form
From the Shinsengumi commander, Kondō Isami's letters, it was revealed that he used this honorific towards Watanabe Noboru, a skilled swordsman who came to assist Kondō when challengers apeared at his dojo

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